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[Blog] Difference between journalist and live streamer

A Facebook user named Azad Man, in a comment posted on about the communique released by TéléPlus on Wednesday, September 13th, highlighted the distinctions between a journalist and a live streamer. Here's what he wrote:

I have been following this topic from abroad for many days now. People must know the difference between a journalist and a live streamer. X was never a journalist but a live streamer. 


In the age of instant connectivity and social media, a seismic shift has occurred in the world of news and reporting. Traditional journalism, refined over years of training and guided by a strict code of ethics, now coexists with a relatively newer phenomenon – the live streamer. This emerging breed of content creators broadcasts their lives, experiences, and yes, even news, to an audience that grows by the minute. However, the difference between professional journalism and live streaming is as stark as night and day.

Professional Journalism: A Craft Refined Over Time

Professional journalism is an art form, honed through years of education and experience. Journalists undergo rigorous training to understand the fundamentals of gathering, verifying, and presenting news. They are guided by a steadfast commitment to ethics, objectivity, and accuracy. Journalism degrees and diplomas aren't just pieces of paper; they signify a dedication to truth and accountability.

Live Streamers: The Brave New World

On the other hand, live streamers are a product of the digital age. Anyone with a smartphone can potentially become a live streamer, often without formal training or a deep understanding of journalistic ethics. This newfound accessibility to broadcasting has blurred the lines between journalism and opinion-based content. It's as if anyone, irrespective of their qualifications or ethics, can grab a virtual microphone and start broadcasting.

The Pitfalls of Live Streaming

Live streaming is often seen as a poor cousin of professional journalism for several reasons:

Lack of Training: Many live streamers operate without formal training in journalism, making them prone to errors and sensationalism.

Ethical Quandaries: The absence of an ethical framework can lead to biased reporting, misinformation, and even the glorification of harmful activities.

Opinion Over Fact: Live streamers frequently inject their personal opinions into their reporting, blurring the lines between news and commentary.

Inaccuracy: Due to the rush to capture events in real-time, live streamers may not have the luxury of fact-checking, leading to inaccuracies and half-truths.

Event-Driven Reporting: Live streamers often chase events that generate audience engagement, potentially sidelining important but less exciting news stories.

The Dangers to Society

Imagine you're reading a story. One version is meticulously written by someone who has studied the art of storytelling for years. They make sure every word is true and fair, like a superhero fighting for justice. That's the professional journalist. The other version is like a friend telling a story without really checking if it's true or not. They might add their own opinions and sometimes even make things up. That's the live streamer.

Now, think about the dangers. When people believe made-up stories or opinions instead of facts, it can create confusion and even cause harm. It's like believing in fairy tales instead of real life. That's why we need professional journalists who take their job seriously, just like how doctors take care of our health.

In conclusion, while live streaming offers exciting possibilities, it's crucial to recognize the chasm that separates it from professional journalism. Professional journalists are guardians of truth and accountability, serving as the pillars of a well-informed society. Teaching the younger generation about these distinctions is essential in ensuring they navigate the information landscape with wisdom and discernment.

Azad Man


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