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Covid-19 : MK annonce des facilités de «rebooking» aux détenteurs de billets émis au plus tard le 31 mai 

Air Mauritius, dans un communiqué émis ce mercredi 1er avril, annonce qu'elle a suspendu tous ses vols commerciaux internationaux jusqu'au 30 avril 2020, dans le sillage de la propagation du Covid-19 et les restrictions de voyage vers l'île Maurice et la plupart des destinations vers lesquelles la compagnie d'aviation nationale fonctionne.

Le transporteur informe le public qu'afin de permettre aux passagers de mieux planifier leurs futurs voyages, des facilités de re-réservation flexibles seront appliquées pour les détenteurs de billets d'Air Mauritius émis au plus tard le 31 mai 2020. 


Voici les détails :


Air Mauritius has suspended all international commercial flights until 30 April 2020, in response to the outbreak of Covid-19 and the travel restrictions to Mauritius and most destinations to which it operates.

In order to enable passengers better plan their future travel, flexible rebooking facilities will apply for holders of Air Mauritius tickets issued on or before 31 May 2020.


Regardless of conditions of the original booking, all penalty fees will be waived for passengers who wish to change their travel dates.

For passengers who do not have a firm date for future travel

For tickets issued for the period up to 31 March 2020:

Passengers who are not sure when they wish to travel, may claim a voucher worth the price of their ticket plus a 10% bonus on the fare (excluding travel taxes). This voucher will be valid for a period of 24 months and enable the passenger (or a person to whom he/she wishes to transfer the voucher) purchase a ticket for future travel.

The 10% bonus is also valid for vouchers that have already been issued.

For tickets issued for the period between 01 April to 31 May 2020:

Passengers who wish to cancel their trip may claim a voucher worth the price of their ticket which will be valid for a period of 12 months.

For both periods no penalty fee is applicable. Passengers who opt for a monetary refund instead, will be charged an amount under the cancellation rules as specified.


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