Live News

Cyclone Berguitta : l'aéroport de Plaisance fermé

C'était le cafouillage à l'aéroport de Plaisance mardi. Plusieurs vols ont dû être reprogrammés.

Airports of Mauritius Ltd (AML), dans un communiqué émis ce mercredi matin, informe le public que l'aéroport sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, à Plaisance, cessera ses activités à partir de 7 heures ce mercredi matin en raison de l'alerte cyclonique 3 prévalant à Maurice. 


Ci-dessous le communiqué d'AML : 

Further to the issue of a Cyclone Warning Class 3 (Three) by the Mauritius Meteorological Services and in accordance with the Airport Cyclone Procedure, Airports of Mauritius Co. Ltd (AML) wishes to inform intending passengers and the general public that the SSR International Airport will be closed on Wednesday 17 January 2018 as from 07 00Hrs (Local Time), until further notice. Intending passengers are strongly advised to contact their respective airlines for further information on the status of their flights. AML apologises for any inconvenience caused, and reassures the public that it intends to resume its activities as soon as possible.


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